Monday, August 4, 2008

Remedy acne and medicines taht can cause acne or pimples

Prevention and Maintenance of Remission in Inflammatory AcneSome dermatologists put very young patients with comedonal acne on a regimen of a mild topical retinoid to squelch microcomedones and prevent their development into inflammatory lesions.After successful acne treatment, Dr Millikan likes to maintain remission with topical retinoid therapy.In addition to maintaining clear skin, the topical retinoids can also slow photoaging and therefore may be used throughout adulthood.
Many people suffer with the skin condition known as acne or Zits; however, medical science continues to look at new remedies. It is one of those areas where research has continued to make advancements; now, some of these skin conditions are gradually being conquered. For those people that require treatment, the acne skin care products required fall broadly into a number of categories including:
Acnezine fights acne from inside out with the help of natural antioxidants eliminating excessive sebum, thus acting on the source of it, before it expresses itself with an ugly eruption on the face. First and foremost Acnezine is aimed at treating the internal impurities and imbalances of the body which in effect are the reasons for acne. The pharmaceutical group that has developed Acnezine has spent several years in search for the universal and free from side effects medication that cleanses the whole body.
tags: differemce hormonal and food allergy acne, natural acne treatment, how much iodine causes acne

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